"HMS" Rose
Halifax to Boston
July 2000

Hello Rose Crew, Trainees and Friends

Here are some pictures from our amazing trip. . I hope you enjoy them. The pictures are from Halifax - the last stop in the America's for the Tall Ships 2000 festival. Others are from Lunenburg and Boston. Lunenbug is where the HMS Rose was built, as well as Bluenose.

Click on the small pictures for a bigger view

As most of you know, Rose was sold for $1.5M in March of 2001. She was used in the production of the movie Master and Commander, a film based on the Patrick O'Brian novel of the same name. This movie was released Nov 14th, 2003.

Fair winds and calm seas,

Bob (Send email)

Wet and Wild

As many of you may remember, I brought my GPS on board. I started logging our position as we left Lunenburg. Click on the map above for the coordinates, and times (in GMT). Also, if you're interested, the chart that I used was Canadian fisheries chart, LC 4003


The next watch gathering around the capstan
Climbing the ratlines as we prepare to enter Boston Harbor. Watch Lists Contact me if you want your email address attached to your name. It's free!

Might as well stare at the compass, there's not much else to see from the wheel.

Movie Night Captain Irving Johnson narrates this chronicle of his own passage around Cape Horn in 1929

Tom looks pretty salty in his new rain gear from Lunenburg



"HMS" Rose More pictures and links

Haze Grey and Underway Pictures of the Rose underway in Halifax!

Halifax Herald Tall Ships 2000.

Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic Lunenburg, Nova Scotia

Sons of Maxwell The band that played on board the Rose in Halifax. I can recommend the "Sailors Story" CD. I understand the new version of the CD is round (my copy is shaped like a ship and isn't compatible with all players).

Lunenburg Foundry Buy your own cannon!

Sea Shanties and SongsWith Rose picture!

Four Days Before The Mast Article written by another Rose trainee about his experience sailing on the Rose

This is a lot easier on a sunny day with all hands. It's a real experience at night, in the rain, with two of the three watches below decks.
Gun (and laundry) deck, Port side.
Gun deck (and gunner), Starbord side. Three mops, no waiting.
This isn't what the stateroom looked like in the travel brochure!
The captain wouldn't allow the guns to be fired in front of the federal building in Boston Harbor. Where's the sense of adventure?

Thar she blows! See the GPS log for the location of these whales.

Here are just a few of our 300,000 Halifax friends

The EDS party is just getting started. Later, as the sun sets and the band starts playing, there will be little room to manuever on deck.

Don't miss the top-down view of a harbor furl.

Hang on! It's my turn to take the wheel.
A view towards the galley
The crew of the Rose was invited on a tour of the Lunenburg Foundry, where many of her parts were cast.
The Lunenburg foundry woodshop. It's hard to believe that this is a working shop and not a museum.
I think there may be a story or two that goes with the condition of this man's apron
Rose in front of the Lunenburg Museum.
The end of our trip. Night view of the Rose in Boston Harbor
This launch belongs to the "Pride of Baltimore II"

And you though the Rose masts were tall!

Rose fires a salute to the USS Constitution, very much to the surprise of the tourists

Visitors since Nov 29,2000:

last update: Dec 3, 2003

Copyright © 2000-2005, Bob Cutler. All Rights Reserved.
Reproduction, reuse, or distribution without permission is prohibited